News & Insights

Recycling IMPAXX™ Material

Recycling IMPAXX™ Material

In providing the safest and most reliable energy management and impact solutions for the automotive industry, we make sure that any scrap materials from our manufacturing process are recycled in an environmentally sound manner.  The vast majority of our energy and...

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Sustaining Our People

Sustaining Our People

We believe that work empowers people to grow: intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially. As people satisfy their need to grow, the organization where they work grows too. And the more an organization provides meaningful work, the more people will grow....

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Introducing the Sustainability Report

Introducing the Sustainability Report

As members of our communities, nation, and planet, we accept our responsibility to protect the places we do business and to enhance the lives of all the people who partner with our company. To help us continue to improve and hold ourselves accountable to our...

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Improved Safety at 230mph

Improved Safety at 230mph

This Sunday as you tune into the 105th Indianapolis 500 and watch 33 drivers complete the 500 mile race, pay attention to the entrance to pit row. On the end of the concrete barrier you’ll find what’s called an attenuator—a foam piece designed by Coastal Automotive to...

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What Leaders Do

What Leaders Do

It is difficult to overstate how much the success of our organizations hinge on leadership. Which is why this year our team leaders are participating in a year-long development program designed to help leaders understand the specific tasks a leader does. Leading is...

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Coastal Automotive certified to produce PPE through Project DIAMOnD

Coastal Automotive certified to produce PPE through Project DIAMOnD

Coastal Automotive is excited to announce our participation in Project DIAMOnD, which aims to provide local manufacturers with the means to produce emergency PPE in-house on an as-needed basis.

As part of our participation in the program, Coastal Automotive has received a Markforged Mark Two composite 3D printer with FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) and CFF (Continuous Fiber Fabrication) capabilities. During production, this will allow us to increase the strength of the plastic components we produce to a level comparable to aluminum.

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Coastal Group Acquires Veecor Honeycomb Packaging Manufacturing

Coastal Group Acquires Veecor Honeycomb Packaging Manufacturing

Coastal Group, a family owned investment management company, has acquired Veecor, a Louisiana-based honeycomb packaging manufacturer. With the acquisition, Coastal Group has launched Coastal Honeycomb, LLC. The company will produce the lightweight, durable packaging material in Holland and create an initial 12 jobs.

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