Coastal Automotive creates products that ensure safety and ultimately save lives, which means we need systems and regulations in place to ensure we run efficiently and meet the high standards our customers have come to expect. There is no better confirmation of our...
Coastal Automotive Partners with University of Michigan Solar Car Team
It’s not everyday that we get the opportunity to create a product that would help a vehicle complete a 1,877 mile trip across the Australian outback, run solely by power from the sun. That was the task at hand when we partnered with Chae Woo Lim, engineering director...
Coastal Auto Wins 2017 GM Supplier Quality Excellence Award
Coastal Automotive was awarded the 2017 General Motors Supplier Quality Excellence Award for the second year in a row during GM’s Supplier Quality Excellence awards ceremony held Wednesday, Oct. 17. General Motors has recognized suppliers with the Quality Award since...
Coastal Automotive Hires Regional Manager for Mexico
Coastal Automotive has hired Luis Olmos González as regional manager for the Mexico region to better serve OEM and Tier 1 suppliers. In this role, Olmos will provide engineering support with Coastal Automotive’s passive safety products. Olmos is Coastal Automotive’s...
2016 Supplier Quality Excellence Award
Nick Onufrak receives the Supplier Quality Excellence award. Last month our team was honored with the 2016 Supplier Quality Excellence award from General Motors. Although there was some delay in issuing the award, the recognition is still important to our team. This...
Bill Huizenga Tours Coastal Automotive
On August 8, 2017, Congressman Bill Huizenga toured Coastal Automotive’s production location on Brooks street in Holland, MI. Coastal Automotive’s leadership led Congressman Huizenga through the new production facility and discussed Coastal Automotive’s processes and...
Coastal Automotive Recognized as a 2016 GM Supplier of the Year
Coastal Automotive was named a GM Supplier of the Year by General Motors during its 25th annual Supplier of the Year awards ceremony held Friday, March 31 in Orlando, Florida. Coastal Automotive supplies General Motors with occupant safety solutions. Out of more than...
Coastal Automotive Recognized by Corp! Magazine as one of Michigan’s Economic Bright Spots
Coastal Automotive has been recognized by Corp! Magazine as one of Michigan’s Economic Bright Spots. The Economic Bright Spot recognition is awarded to companies who have experienced growth in locations, employees, and revenue over the last year. Coastal...
Coastal Automotive opens new facility in Holland, Michigan, as first step of four-year global expansion initiative.
Thriving Automotive Manufacturer Expands Production into West MichiganCoastal Automotive opens new facility in Holland, Michigan, as first step of four-year global expansion initiative. Coastal Automotive, an automotive manufacturer from Southeast Michigan, is...
2016 Michigan 50 Companies to Watch
Coastal Automotive Honored as One of the 2016 “Michigan 50 Companies to Watch” (ROCHESTER HILLS, MICH.) – Coastal Automotive has been recognized as one of the 2016 “Michigan 50 Companies to Watch,” an awards program presented by Michigan Celebrates Small Business....
Coastal Automotive signs licensing agreement with Dow Chemical for automotive foam
Rochester Hills-based Coastal Automotive LLC said Tuesday it signed a licensing agreement with the automotive division of The Dow Chemical Co. for automotive foam technology. Coastal will manufacture Dow’s sound mitigation polymer foam technology and supply it to its...
Making it work for workers: Employers aim to retain low-income employees, improve bottom line
When an employee at Coastal Automotive misses a day of work, he or she amasses “points,” or demerits. The Rochester Hills-based supplier of energy-absorbing vehicle materials says workers have called off a shift for such reasons as a friend’s car had a flat tire and...